Director of the publication:
Pauline Desbats

Legal status of the company:

Hylé // Subtle Materials is a multi-disciplinary construction company of second-work created in 2010 in Pessac, France by Pauline Desbats.
The new registration is in progress.

Host :
OVH sas
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix, FRANCE


We are grateful to request permission from the author of this site before using images and content for other purposes. The logo and webdesign are the intellectual property of Pauline Desbats.

This website is a place of learning and sharing of all improvements and open to criticism.

Feel free to send us your feedback.

Many thanks to:

Thank you to the support teams mentioned in this site in the realization of the concept, design, development, support for social, economic and legal aspects of the overall project.