Hylé participe à des appels à projet collectif :
Panke > Berlin
Panke > Berlin / A stream of ideas
DJ bar and exhibitions, live acts and performance, movies and workshops are Panke’s focus. Panke opened in March 2011, in a art / studio compound near the river Panke in Wedding, Gerichtsrasse 23, 13347 Berlin. Panke is interested in supporting edgy creativity that happens away from mainstream culture. Some areas we are involved in are experimental audio, interactive installation, non-narritive film, performance art and everything else that we believe needs more exposure than it currently recieves. At the same time, we hope that our space works as a meeting point between creatives and we encourage and look forward to future collaborations in Panke.
Hylé // Subtle Materials has allready push out brushes out in it ! And we are lookin’ forward new collabs into cultural and culinary exchanges in 2012 !
Big Life to panke !!
Links to Linas Kutavicius workshop in september 2011 :
Linas Workshop pictures